Sunday, January 24, 2010

Opportunities (Esteban)

Hey friends, 
So the Lord did some crazy stuff today and I would love to share it with you.  To start off I have been praying for the Lord to give me more opportunities, ort maybe just open my eyes to them.  So today the Lord put them right in front of my face. It was a BIG DAY!

So I wake up this morning to take a much needed run. (I'm trying to get back in the habit)  Here recently my forge brother and sisters have been sharing our prayer requests to keep up with everybody and what they are going through. (this is awesome, I feel like it has already strengthened our community and brought us closer together in the short time we have done it) As I was running I began to pray about getting more opportunities and I see this guy coming towards me as I run, I think to myself "Lord is this one?' as I pass him by.  I regreted not stopping and talking to him, but the Lord is gracious and gave me a 2nd chance.  On my way back I came by him agian and stopped.

This guys name was James and he was from Marshall. (whoop my granny is from ya Jimbo) Anyways we began to talk and I eventually asked him if he attends church anywhere, he said he has been to a few but needs to get pluged in to one. I then asked hom if he was a believer.  He then goes in to sharing a little of his testimony with me.  He said when he was about 21 he had a lot of hatred for people and he was out to hurt then.  He said he was involved in a lot of bad things.  But he opened up his bible one day randomly and just looked down and started reading and he said the Lord spoke to him through the word. The verses he read dealt exactly with seeking revenge and not hurting other people out of anger.  He said ever since then he has been following the Lord. 

This was a blessing for me to remind me of how intentional our God is, that He care for us so much that He would guide us in His word to tell us what we need to hear.  We serve and amazing and an intentional God.

After that I went home and then went to work.  Work was crazy today, so crazy that I didn't get to take a lunch brake until 6 pm.  Needless to say I was hungry, so I set off into the mall for food.  On a last minute decision I decided to go to chick-fil-a.  As I looked up in from of me there was a Jew that I had talked to several weeks before and hadn't gotten the chance to talk to him agian, unitl today.  He remembered me and said hey then I asked if I could eat with him.  We started with some small talk, me asking how long he is here, what does he want to do, where does he want to go, stuff like that.  Then I asked him if he was religious and he said yes and then I started asking him questions about his beliefs.  It turned into a really good conversation, one where I got to share the gospel with him.  He responded well and said he would like to talk more.

How great is our God, that I shoud ask for more opportunities that before I'm even thorugh praying He is already throwing them at me.  Praise be to our God who gives so graciously even though we are so undeserving.

Grace and Peace,

1 comment:

Mrs. Miller said...

Sh'ma Steven! That's awesome!